Sunday, December 21, 2014

Book Review for "Let it Snow"

During my finals week this past semester, I read a book entitled, "Let it Snow" written by John Green, Maureen Johnson, and Lauren Myracle. My roommate thought I was crazy for pleasure reading during the most stressful week of the year as far as school goes. However, I found it highly relaxing to come home from the library and take y mind off of lava viscosity, psychoanalytic theory within literature, and identification of rock types, by reading this fun holiday page turner with a pot of coffee.
There are three separate holiday romances within this New York Times best-seller. The stories tie in together nicely at the closing of the book. Each author used comedic writing to build a story around an ill-timed blizzard that occurred on Christmas eve. Characters developed by Green, Johnson, and Myracle are described as seniors in high school. I think that's why I enjoyed the book; I was able to relate the characters to my own younger sister who is a senior herself. I felt as though I were being told a story by my sister. Similar to Katie, each character offered quirky personalities. I thought each author did a great job developing characters that appealed to readers who may be in their teen years.
The three stories are entitled, "The Jubilee Express", "A Cheertastic Christmas Miracle", and "The Patron Saint of Pigs". First of all, just take a grasp of each title; is your interest not captured already? Maureen Johnson sets the stage with a story of a girl named Jubilee, whose plans to spend Christmas with her boyfriend become twisted, and she ends up on a train that becomes trapped in a blizzard. She must find refuge with a random family, and a son who alters her entire outlook on senior year, her boyfriend, and her family. Johnson highlights the importance of family, especially around the holidays. Jubilee recognizes the difference between romantic love and the romantic idea of love. I related with Jubilee's spunk and sass, and I commend Maureen Johnson on setting the stage for the rest of the book.
The body of a story is sometimes the hardest part to develop, but John Green fulfilled his roll through writing, "A Cheertastic Christmas Miracle" as the second piece of the book. Green portrays a friendship that develops into an unexpected romance during a journey through a blizzard to a Waffle House in quest for cheerleaders. I have always heard that the best relationships stem from strong friendships. Green exemplifies this idea, and shows that some people are willing to endure frostbite for a chance with someone they care about, and cheesy hash browns.
Lauren Myracle wraps up the book with, "The Patron Saint of Pigs". Myracle reveals the importance of selflessness in love. Myracle not only focuses on romantic love, but also shows how paramount selflessness is between friends as well. If you all decide to read this book for yourselves, you will understand what I mean when I say that a teacup pig could prove handy while mending friendships. Myracle brings earlier characters created by Green and Johnson into the end of her story.
If you are looking for a quick and relaxing read this holiday season, I recommend trying "Let it Snow" out. Sometimes we need cheesy love stories, and I believe very strongly that time spent reading is never wasted. I think this book could also make an excellent gift for any teenager to enjoy this season. I enjoyed reading about the unexpected love, inside jokes, unfortunate timing of a storm, and familiarity of Christmas, and I
became excited about what my own Christmas season will bring.

Merry Christmas, and happy reading!

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